There's a Jersey With Your Name on It

August 2019

Start Up

Many of us grew up dreaming about being on a championship team and getting to make the game-winning play. We have these kinds of aspirations as kids, whether athletic or not, because we all want to be a part of something big. But, somewhere along the way most of us lose the sense that we have a dramatic destiny.

  • What larger-than-life destiny or dream did you have as a kid? Was it to be “Like Mike” in a game-winning situation or something else?
  • As a kid, it’s easy to have big dreams. As adults, it’s easy to bury that sense of dramatic destiny we once felt. Why do you think that tends to be the case?

Discuss Together

Read Ephesians 2:10.

  • Do you believe God uniquely crafted you to do something specific and significant? If yes, when did you come to believe this?
  • On a scale of 1-10, how much do you think you are living into the unique destiny that God has for you? Explain your answer.

Now read 1 Peter 4:10-11.

  • Peter talks about how Christ-followers have been gifted. What does he mean by “gift”? What is the difference between a gift and a talent? Or is there a difference at all?
  • What does it mean to be a faithful steward of our gifts? How can a person be unfaithful with them?
  • Jeff shared a story about the time he first realized that he was gifted with the ability to speak in front of others about God. Can you think of a time when you first realized you might be gifted in a certain way? Share with the group.
  • The Bible gives lots of examples of gifts that God gives to Christ-followers. Here are a few: wise advice, faith, discernment, administration, healing, serving, teaching, encouragement, leading, mercy (compassionate care), shepherding, hospitality, giving, and prayer. Think about which of these God may have given you. Share what gifts you think you have with the group.
  • How are you using your gifts to glorify God by serving others? What challenges and frustrations are you facing?


It’s always better to serve together—we can go further and faster as we contribute our unique gifts and abilities for a common cause. Chase Oaks has lots of serving teams, both those that serve at a campus and others with our partners in the community.

  • Ask everyone to pull out their smartphones and look up Scroll through the list of Campus Teams and Partner Teams at your campus. Does anyone currently serve on a team? Are there any teams that seem to match up with your gifts and passions?
  • What is one tangible step you can take to try serving more this season? Is there a way we can serve together, either as a whole group or a few of us serving together on different teams?