Praying in Faith

March 2022

Discuss Together

  • It seems like many people today value and appreciate prayer, but hardly anyone is completely satisfied with their prayer life. Do you agree? If so, why do you think prayer dissatisfaction is so common?
  • Picture yourself journeying with Jesus when He was on earth. If you could have asked Him to teach you about one thing, what would it be?
  • In Luke 11:1-3, the disciples ask Jesus to teach them about prayer. For many of us this is a familiar passage. When was the first time you heard about The Lord’s Prayer? As you read it, try to listen as if it’s the first time you’ve heard it. What stands out to you?
  • How is God like an earthly father? How is He different? Is it easier or harder for you to picture God as a loving Father because of your earthly father?
  • How does thinking about God as a father change the way you think about prayer?
  • Garth Brooks once said, “Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayer.” Has this ever been true for you? Does that change how you think about unanswered prayer today?
  • It’s estimated people spend between four and five hours a day on their smartphone. How have you seen technology and pace of life make prayer and finding quiet more challenging?
  • Share prayer requests with each other. And then take time to pray together.

Next Steps

The Chase Oaks App is designed to help us pray for each other every day. Take a moment to post a prayer request, big or small. And then take time to pray for a few other requests on the app. If you don’t have the app, you can download it at