Love Plays Offense

May 2020

Discuss Together

  • In your opinion, what is your favorite or a great love song? Conversely, in your opinion, what is the most annoying love song? Why?

  • In your own words define “love.” Explain your definition.

  • Ryan said this is a season where “every relationship you have will be tested.” How has this season made it challenging for you to be loving to people in your life?

  • Read 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. Have you heard this passage before? Where? What words, phrases, or concepts stand out to you today?

  • One of the things Paul says is, “Love is kind.” Where is it most challenging for you to be kind?

  • What have you learned about being kind to people you disagree with?

  • Paul also says love never stops believing the best for others. Do you naturally assume the best about other people in your life? Why or why not?

  • What is one way you can be intentional in how you show love to another person in your life? How can you go above and beyond in your kindness, patience, or actions?


Here For Good is a movement inspired by love, where we intentionally put others first by giving, serving, or including. For example, you can give $20 to the Here For Good fund, become a neighborhood lead and bring your neighborhood together, and/or include others by inviting them to our Here For Good Sunday at our campuses.