Jesus Was Human Too

March 2021

Discuss Together

  • How have you seen Jesus depicted in our culture (in art, in movies, by politicians, etc.)? How accurate do you think these depictions are to who Jesus actually was in history?
  • Read John 19:23-27 together. What do these final words tell us about the heart of Jesus?
  • Greg said Jesus was a model human who can serve as our guide. From what you know about Jesus, what example did He give us when it comes to meeting the needs of our world?
  • Read Philippians 2:5-8 together. What phrases or words stand out to you from this passage? Why?
  • Throughout church history, some have argued Jesus wasn’t fully human and that His humanity isn’t the core of Christianity. If someone asked you why that’s important, what would you say?
  • How does knowing Jesus was an ordinary human change the way you approach God when life is hard? Is there a difficult area in your life right now where it is comforting to know that Jesus understands? Share with the group.

Next Steps

Greg shared three foundational elements of Christian theology:

  1. Jesus was fully human so that we could have a substitute
  2. Jesus was an ordinary human so that we could have an advocate
  3. Jesus was a model human so that we could have a guide.

Spend some time thinking deeply about those truths. And consider diving more into theology to learn more too. A great place to start is, which has a collection of short videos that will creatively take you deeper into the Bible and big theological themes.