Jesus, The GOAT Group Guide

January 2023

Discuss Together

  • If you could learn one skill from a GOAT (like how to serve in tennis from Serena Williams), who would you pick and what would you want them to teach you?
  • Read Matthew 4:18-22. What does it mean to follow someone? Why do you think this is what Jesus invites us to do?
  • Read Mark 8:34-37. What is the big invitation Jesus puts in front of us?
  • Jeff said, “Becoming like Jesus doesn’t happen quickly, but over time, with each discipline put into practice.” What have you learned about following Jesus? Do you agree with what Jeff said?
  • What role have people played in your life as you’ve followed Jesus? Why is community so important?
  • Look at the five challenges we’re doing together over the next 45 days (you can see them at Which of the challenges seems most daunting to you? Why?
  • In which of the five challenges do you have the most experience? In which do you have the least?
  • What do you hope to see happen over the next 45 days? Where do you want to see momentum? What would you want to be different?