How To Not Hate Your Job

August 2022

Discuss Together

  • What was your first job? What’s the strangest job you’ve ever done?
  • Read Genesis 1:26-28. Why is it significant that God Himself works? Why is this significant to what we were created to do?
  • Tim Keller said, “Work is rearranging the raw material of God’s creation in such a way that it helps the world in general, and people in particular, thrive and flourish.” Take a moment and think about what you do. How do you connect the dots from your daily work to the flourishing of people and/or the planet?
  • Sin introduced futility into the workplace, which means even the most fulfilling job can also be very frustrating. What causes you to groan as you think about what you need to do on Mondays (and any workday)?
  • On a scale of 1-10, how energized, fulfilled, and purposeful do you feel with your current work right now? Why?
  • Read Ephesians 6:7. How does thinking of God as your boss (the One you are ultimately working for) change your perspective about your work? What area do you think He would lovingly call you to focus on or shift: your attitude, your effectiveness, your leadership, or your care for people?

Next Steps

One of our featured studies for Groups this semester is “Every Good Endeavor” by Tim Keller. Our Groups open enrollment period is about to begin! Sign up for a reminder and find out more info by going to