Going Deep

September 2018

Start Up

We were created for deep and significant relationships—it’s something we all long for but often struggle to find today. Going deep with others isn’t easy. It requires vulnerability and communicating at a deep level. Communication is especially important. Better communication leads to stronger and deeper relationships. Let’s continue the conversation started this weekend as we think about how to go deep with the people in our lives.

  • The average person uses 16,000 words a day. Do you think you are above or below average? Are you more of an internal or external processor?
  • Sociologists describe American life as “crowded loneliness”—we have people all around us but lack deep connection. Why do you think so many people struggle with loneliness today? What are some contributing factors?


Discuss Together

Read  Mark 14:32-42 together.

  • How is Jesus vulnerable, and what does He disclose about Himself to the disciples in this passage?
  • In what ways do we try to manage our image in front of others? What external pressures do we face that keep us from opening up? What can we learn from Jesus’ example?
  • Jeff shared how “throwing the long ball” means sharing hurts, revealing true feelings, confessing failures, acknowledging weaknesses, expressing doubts, and asking for help and prayer. Does that sound like you? Where and with whom can you go deeper?

Now, read Proverbs 18:13, Proverbs 20:5, and James 1:19.

  • Do any of these verses particularly resonate with you? Why? What can we learn about the art of listening?
  • Researchers have found that we typically hear about 20% of what someone else is saying in a conversation. Does that number surprise you? Why are so many of us bad at listening?
  • Proverbs 20:5 tells us that wise people have a way of listening that draws other people out. Is there or has there been someone in your life who helped you feel “heard”? What made him or her such a good listener?
  • Jeff said good listeners concentrate, hold off answering before understanding, are patient, and curiously ask questions for clarification. What is one way you can become a better listener?

Live Big

  • Good communication (effective throwing and catching) requires practice. Who is one person you can practice with this week? Schedule a time to go deeper together.
  • Our world, cities, neighborhoods, schools, and families are struggling with loneliness and hoping for people to be real and vulnerable with them. What is one way you can fight image management and loneliness where God has placed you?