Discuss Together When it comes to emergencies or potential natural disasters, how prepared do you like to be? Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 (1 being, “ehh, I’ll handle it when it comes,” to 10 being “I’m a full-on doomsday-prepper with freeze-dried food stashed in my personal bunker”). Read Matthew 24:36-44. What stands out or is confusing to you about this passage? What is Jesus communicating to us? Why do you think God doesn’t let us know when Jesus is coming back? What does it mean to be ready for when Jesus comes back? What does a “maranatha” (which means, “Come, Lord Jesus”) lifestyle look like?If you knew Jesus was coming back at the end of the week, what would you do differently? Get specific.Do you feel discouraged or distracted? Where and why? How does thinking about Jesus’ return help you find hope and focus?