Church as Family Group Guide

September 2024

Discussion Questions

  • Last week we talked about the skill of staying power or relating over a long period of time, through the ups and downs and sideways of life, even when relationships can get uncomfortable. Did anyone get a chance to put that into practice in a current relationship? If so, how did it go?
  • This week Jeff talked about church as family. What is your nuclear family now, and what has been your experience with your extended family?
  • Read Mark 3:31-35. What makes what Jesus said so revolutionary in his culture at the time and in our culture today?
  • Read 1 Timothy 3:15 and Galatians 6:10. How do these verses reinforce what Jesus said in Mark 3:31-35?
  • Read Acts 2:42-47. Which words or phrases in this passage show how the church at that time lived as family?
  • What happened to the church at that time when they lived as family, and what do you think would happen if we did more of that as a church family today?
  • Jeff gave some ideas of how we can widen our circle and see church as extended family:
    • See yourself as part of the welcome team and reach out to people at our weekend services.
    • Join a group and do life more communally.
    • Have a “crowded table night” where you invite people over for dinner once a month or every other week.
    • Think of others to pull into to your celebration of holidays like Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
    • Give with generosity: when you hear about a need, don’t just pray for the person. If you can, be the answer to that prayer.
  • Which of these ideas have you experienced in the past? Were you the giver or receiver?
  • When it comes to living out church as family, is there an idea, whether it’s the one Jeff shared or something else, that you are passionate about and feel God is leading you to do? Is there someone God has placed on your heart to reach out to?
  • Take some time to pray for one another and pray for their next steps and people God has placed on our hearts.

Verse to mediate on and memorize this week: Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Galatians 6:10

Put It Into Practice (Optional Assignment during the Week)

In this series, we have the opportunity to focus on the spiritual practice of community, and this week, we talked about the church as family. Read and reflect on the following passages this week: Acts 2:42-47; Hebrews 13:1-2, 16; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22; Galatians 6:2; James 5:16.

According to Practicing the Way’s Community Practice, there are seven rhythms we can do to grow as a church family: Celebration, Bearing Burdens, Confession of Sin, Hospitality, Eating Together (Communion), Prayer and Worship, and Generosity. Consider picking one and suggesting it to your group or doing it in another community. For more details and suggestions on how to implement each one, click on this link (look for the section called “Do This Practice As a Community Right Now”).