Brand Ambassadors

May 2018

Start Up

God has placed you where you are to represent the love of Jesus. None of us do this perfectly. But we are called to live purposefully and urgently in light of what Jesus has done in our life.

  • What do you think makes a product, personality, or moment “go viral”? Have you ever been in a viral moment or involved with a product or movement that took off?
  • When you hear the word, “evangelism,” does it elicit positive, negative, or mixed feelings for you? Why?


Discuss Together

Read Colossians 4:2-6 together.

  • What is the “mystery of Christ”? Why do you think Paul uses the word, “mystery”?
  • How does Paul instruct Christ-followers about representing Jesus to outsiders? List some characteristics.

Now read Ephesians 6:18-20 together.

  • What does it mean to be an ambassador? Do you see yourself as Jesus’ ambassador? Why or why not?
  • Paul prays for boldness and fearlessness. On a scale of 1-10, how bold are you with your beliefs? What keeps you from sharing your faith?
  • How can we be passionate about Jesus without being pushy? What have you learned?
  • If someone asked you, “Why do Christians have this compulsion to try to get everyone to think like they do? Why can’t they just do their own thing and leave everyone else alone,” how would you respond?

Live Big

God reaches people through people. He wants to use us to love those around us. Take a moment to think about what that looks like in your spheres of influence.

  • Who are two people in your life you especially feel a burden for and hope they would be open to Jesus? What is one way you can be bolder with them this week?
  • Take a moment to pray for the names of the people your group mentioned. Ask God to open doors, give opportunities, and draw them closer to Him.